MIDI Input Selector
1. MIDI Flush
This will clear any sounding MIDI output.
2. MIDI input port selection menu
This menu will update to list all possible MIDI input ports, from other applications like Logic or Ableton, for instance. Default is “none:” no MIDI input will come through.
3. Computer keyboard window open/close
When selected, the computer keyboard window will open.
4. MIDI input monitor on/off
When illuminated, MIDI in will be heard. This does not affect nor is not affected by the recording status in the Live MIDI Input window .
5. MIDI monitor output port selection menu
This menu will update to list all possible MIDI output ports to send MIDI monitor output. Default is “none:” no MIDI output will be sent.
6. MIDI volume meter
When the monitor button is on, this will show the MIDI input volume level in green, orange, and red. When the monitor is off, it will be grey.
Computer Keyboard Window
1. Output Port
2. MIDI Channel select
3. Number keys enable
When enabled, the computer keys 0-9 will play the MIDI values C3-D4.
4. Mode selection menu
Select between monophonic and polyphonic mode
5. Keyboard
Click a key with the mouse to play it. If the mode selected is polyphonic, you must click the key again to stop it playing.