Saving and Loading Files

In several cases, instead of saving individual files, Djazz saves groups of files together in folders. This means that interacting with Max’s save and load dialogs is slightly different than it would be for individual files.

The following cases uses folders when saving and loading:

The following cases use individual files:

In one of the first three cases, when you click the pertinent “Save” button, a dialog will appear. To save to a folder, perform the following steps in the dialog:

  1. Click “New Folder.”
  2. Enter a name for the folder in the popup window that appears
  3. Click “Save” in the dialog.

To load a folder, when you click the pertinent “Load” button, a dialog will appear. Choose the folder you want; don’t choose a file inside it. When you click on “Open,” the folder and all its files will load.